View Terracon’s certificates
The basic rules are anything but non-binding, but the essence of safety and quality at Terracon Funderingstechniek B.V. is always: start with yourself! This is confirmed, among other things, in the Strukton Code of Conduct and the certificates we have obtained. An overview is displayed at the bottom of this page.
We stand for safe working practices
Our working method is called 24SAFE. 24SAFE stands for safety everywhere and at all times. We take the safety of our employees, the employees of our partner organisations, visitors and passers-by very seriously. We believe that nothing we do is worth getting hurt for. Working safely and healthily is therefore an integral part of the craftsmanship of our people and those with whom we work.
This is how we view safety
Safety is part of our daily work. We all shoulder our responsibilities and we discuss safety and security transparently with each other. We are open to feedback, which we then deal with professionally and respectfully. Our employees always receive the necessary instruction and have a responsibility to protect their own safety and that of others. It is vitally important to alert each other to high-risk situations. That is why every employee is permitted to stop work if he or she thinks that health or safety is at risk.
We are always aware of the consequences of changes. We respond to and anticipate those changes. We ensure that we and others learn from our safety experiences. We share information so that we can manage any risks and prevent the recurrence of incidents. Our attitude to health and safety is positive and constructive and focuses on the details. But if safety regulations and rules are violated, we are strict and we apply a ‘zero tolerance policy’.
Accident-free work
We aim for accident-free work at all times. We also want to learn from near-accidents so that we can adapt our safety measures. We ask everybody in and around our projects and offices to report (un)safe situations.
Safety for everybody
Safety goes beyond the safety of just our own people. We make sure that as a visitor, you have the right access, you have made the necessary preparations and you wear the correct safety clothing. Hired employees, cooperation partners and chain partners must be able to work safely with and for us. And the end users of our products and services must be able to stay safe or move safely from A to B.